Monday, July 14, 2014


I have been adding some of the search pages I have used on the right side of the blog, under "pages" so click on one to help search some of my favorite sites. 

This one is my family from Germany. Peter is my 6th great grandfather

 Under the Pennsylvania German Pioneers Lists, German Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1739 under the date 19 September 1738, "Thistle" can be found the two von der Burg/Funderburg(h) men Peter & Walther. 

Captain: John Wilson
From: Rotterdam
By Way of: Plymouth, England Arrival: Philadelphia, 19 Sep 1738

 95 [qualified men]

Listed as:

Peter Von der Borg Founderburgh
Walter Von der Borg Founderburgh

 I have other documentation to show that they both took the "Oath" to become citizens on the above date.



Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"""Can you tell how addicted to I am, well, I have started to limit my genealogy time to only when it rains, when it snows, when it sleets, when it hails, when it is too hot out, when it is too cold out, when it is dark out, when it is too bright out, when there is too much pollen out, when there is too little pollen out, when the bugs are out, and when the loud birds are out, I am going outside away from my computer 5 minutes a day to get the mail... baby steps baby steps...."""

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Paul Barker & Marinda Vicars

  Doing some digging through Fold3 for military records for the parents of Emily Rebecca Barker, my GG Grandmother on my Smith Family side. She is the mother of my James Harve Smith. This is the Widow's Pension for Paul Barker, my GGG Grandfather (Rebecca's father) who was born about 1818 in Virginia. He died in the hospital in Gallatin, Tennessee after contracting a disease during the Civil War. He was a private in Company "D" of the 6th Tennessee Volunteers. He was a resident of Knox County.
   According to this page, his Captain "swears the disease of which he died was contracted in the service and in the line of duty and that he was a stout able man prior to entering the service".

  The date of his marriage to Marinda Vicars is given as the 3rd of Aug, 1848 by the Clerk, William Rule of Knox County Tennessee. Thomas & Mary Dowell were there to witness the wedding performed by Parson McAnnally, Minister of the Gospel.
  Gives the names and dates of their seven children, the last child being born just two months after the death of his father, Paul Barker Sr. I have found several pages for this Pension Record to verify the names, dates of his wife and children and the dates of his service and what he died from, including a page from his Captain, Marcus D. Bearden/Beraden


Thursday, July 3, 2014

DNA Tests

For many that want to order the DNA tests. I had my brother do the Ancestry DNA test but I am considering doing one for myself. I am the one in my immediate family who does genealogy but you can have many tests attached to yours.  If you are the one that orders the test you will have access to the results. If they want access as well, they can open guest accounts and you can have the results copied to them as well. A question was asked about why have sibling doing tests. In answer to those saying the brothers results will be the same as hers, that is not true. One inherits 50% of their DNA from each parent but each sibling inherits different DNA. It's like serving a fruit salad. Even if you serve the same size proportions the fruit mix will vary in each serving. I like that fruit salad analogy.

As of right now, autosomal raw data from all three major companies (23andMe, FTDNA, Ancestry) can be uploaded to (a free site). FTDNA is the only paid site that accepts transfers from other companies although they currently do not accept transfers from 23andMe's new chip (V4). If you tested with 23andMe within the past six months, it will be on this new chip which is incompatible with FTDNA. All AncestryDNA tests can still be transferred.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Following Mary Angeline Ramsey

Is this her real name? I know that she exists because I know her sons and daughters existed. And that she married my GG Grandfather, William Henry Funderburg in Palo Pinto Texas in 1863. So what do I know about Mary Ann/Mary Angeline? She is one of my biggest brick walls. She is a mystery, hidden because there is no 1890 census, lost in time because she died in Oklahoma Territory, before Oklahoma became a state.

 *****My records for her are mostly death certificates for several of her children.*****
      I show she was born in Illinois.  I am not 100% positive that her parents were John and Jane (Bohannon) as others show in family trees. The 1850 census shows a Mary Angelina in Navarro, Texas with a John Ramsey, age 52, born 1798 in North Carolina and a Jane, age 45, born 1805 in Georgia. According to the 1880 census, says both her parents were born in Illinois. I find several marriage records in Calloway County, Kentucky for Ramsey's and Bohannon's. From the book, Marriage Records  Calloway Co., Kentucky 1823 through 1846. Listed is this marriage date for John Ramsey and Jane B. Bohannon, December 15, 1831. Found On Family Search and it gives Jane's father as Edward.  So far, this it a good lead and most likely this is the parents of Mary Angeline.                                                           
Compared to that 1850 census and the first born daughter named Elizabeth, age 18, born 1832 in Kentucky, this would work. No records for John Ramsey after the 1850 census so did he die in the 1850's?

Will have to just keep digging. So I will follow the Georgia records for Jane Bohannon and the North Carolina records for the Ramsey's, along with the leads from the other Ramsey/Bohannon marriage records.


                *****FOLLOW UP FOR THE BOHANNAN'S *****
 I have been following this line and have done more research for Oglethorpe County, Georgia and have linked more of the Bohannan Family with a Marriage Record, 26 Dec 1797, for Edward W Bohannon & Celia (Peacock), parents of Jane B. Tax Records from the Georgia Tax Index, 1789-1799, Census for 1800, Tax List for 1801 & 1804,  Land Lottery Draw for 1807. I have not determined yet if Jane B, born 1805, was actually born in this county. There are also Ramsey's in this area at the same time so will do more research.